

Versión en español

Is one of the most beautiful departments of Colombia, because it has jungles and rivers that provide a diversity and richness in flora and fauna difficult to find in any other region. It is considered an exotic land because it preserves its culture with the indigenous settlements that are distributed in 19 shelters.

It is located in the extreme south of the country, it is called "Amazonian Trapeze", which includes the triple border of Colombia, Peru and Brazil, and its southern limit is the Amazon River.

It has a humid climate, whose average temperature is 29 degrees Celsius, is considered one of the few natural reserves of mankind.

Its main festivals are:

Festival of popular music from Amazonas to Pirarucú of gold: held every November 28, date that the culture of Colombia, Brazil and Peru is integrated. It is celebrated as a tribute to the Pirarucú fish which is representative in the Amazon.

Carnival of Mocoa: It says the tradition that the carnival was born by a white cloud that left the Patascoy volcano and a shadow dressed in crowns, flowers and feathers taught them to play and dance. The Festival cares for and strengthens its roots and maintains its multiculturality. It is celebrated every December and it is the opportunity to show the works of painters, theater, artisans and dancers, who have worked during the whole year

It is a destination that can be reached by air, land or river transport.

It is the Capital of the Amazon, you will find green landscapes, great diversity of flora and fauna, places like the Ethnographic Museum of the Amazonian man, the Library of the Republic Bank, Santander Park and Orellana Park.
Because of the abundance of rivers, the preferred fish consumption is natural, complemented by casabe (made with brave, poisonous yucca), banana and exotic fruits such as arazá, copoazú and amazonian anón.
It is one of the main attractions of the Amazon, it is said that there live about 2,500 monkeys in a little more than 400 hectares.
Your visit purpose is to find that the monkeys and wait them to descend into the arms of the tourist and thus get beautiful photos. It is considered a sanctuary of fauna and flora.
Cradle of the symbols of the Amazon region. The pink dolphins and the giant lotus Victoria Regia.
In addition to the dolphins, it is possible to observe the pirarucu, the largest freshwater fish known, in its natural habitat.
The lake can also be reached from Puerto Nariño, a municipality located half an hour away.
This park not only seeks to see more diversity of flora and fauna but also to know the way in which indigenous groups live. The "path of the jungle" is the way in which the tourist goes to live a unique experience and feel a real connection with nature.
You can go canoeing along the Amazon River or hiking through the jungle. One of the activities that we like the most is the so-called Caimaneada, which is to see at night the behavior of the species in the lake, the tourist has the option of staying in this reserve.
Climbing trees over 35 meters can be an unforgettable experience, this activity is called "canopy" which is the highest part of the jungle trees, and consists of climbing the giants and sliding from one tree to another in a tour of more than 80 meters. It has a great variety of fauna which can be observed during the stay.

The food is inspired by the 3 cultures that surround the Amazon: Colombia, Peru and Brazil. Its main dishes are based on fish taken from different rivers, cassava and strong flavors.

The main dishes are:
Pirarucú fish, roasted on grill, moqueado, wrapped in foil, purtumute, rolled, mojojoy, tacaco with jerky, humitas, copoazú juice, among others.

Different types of handicrafts are made by people from the Huitoto and Ticuna ethnic groups, who plant native spices to produce fibers, barks and vegetable tinctures, which produce ceramic vessels and sculptures in wood, balsa or palo palo.

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